Today is the worldwide Suicide Prevention Day. People wore yellow or wrote “love” on their wrists to raise awareness that suicide is a completely preventable premature death.

It’s okay to notice when someone is feeling down, when they’re not their normal selves. It’s okay to say something, to let them know that you’ve noticed and that you care. It’s okay to tell them that you’re there to listen if they need someone, or when they’re ready to talk. I think sometimes we accept the “Oh, I’m fine,” or “I’m just tired” responses too easily. I’m not saying that you need to accuse them of being a liar (that’s probably not going to help!), but just letting them know that you see them, see their unhappiness … sometimes that helps.

According to WHO, nearly 3000 people commit suicide every day in the world … and for every one of those, another twenty attempt it. Let’s show everyone that we’re listening, and we care.

I care.