through a forest wilderness

musings on change and creation



Draft Picks: Fantasy School Edition

Some time ago, the internet-wide book club for The Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros was challenged to consider what their ideal school would look like. One of the blog prompts for #IMMOOC Week 1. If you would to start a school… Continue Reading →

Inquiring minds want to know: Unpacking the question

Inquiry is a difficult skill for students to learn, but in many ways, it’s an even more difficult one for teachers to learn.  On the surface, it looks like a teacher presents a question (or even just a topic where students… Continue Reading →

Challenging is in the eye of the beholder

This week’s #EdublogsClub prompt is about challenging situations, and at the end of a long weekend where I’ve spent more than fifteen hours putting together an inquiry-based project magazine on Canva, it seems an appropriate conversation to have.  It has… Continue Reading →

Finding a Balance

One of the things I’ve been thinking a lot about lately is … well, pacing, I guess.  What I teach, how I teach it, how long I give students to complete their work … things like that.  (This, if you… Continue Reading →

Party Invitations

Earlier this week, my students were meeting in their inquiry groups for the first time. We started the project a month ago, but it’s the first inquiry they’ve done with me (and, for most of them, the first inquiry they’ve… Continue Reading →

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