through a forest wilderness

musings on change and creation

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Challenging is in the eye of the beholder

This week’s #EdublogsClub prompt is about challenging situations, and at the end of a long weekend where I’ve spent more than fifteen hours putting together an inquiry-based project magazine on Canva, it seems an appropriate conversation to have.  It has… Continue Reading →

Finding a Balance

One of the things I’ve been thinking a lot about lately is … well, pacing, I guess.  What I teach, how I teach it, how long I give students to complete their work … things like that.  (This, if you… Continue Reading →

Party Invitations

Earlier this week, my students were meeting in their inquiry groups for the first time. We started the project a month ago, but it’s the first inquiry they’ve done with me (and, for most of them, the first inquiry they’ve… Continue Reading →

The Purpose of a Portfolio: Growth or Showcase?

What is the purpose of a portfolio? Is it meant to show growth – movement from one level of learning to the next, where we take our weaker pieces and reflect on what improvement is required (and why we didn’t… Continue Reading →

A Balancing Act: Censorship in the Senior Classroom

What is the balance between the freedom allowed to older, presumably more mature secondary school students and the requirements of appropriateness in the public school classroom? This is a question I’m struggling with right now as a teacher of a… Continue Reading →

Invulnerability is not a Teacher Superpower

I spend a lot of time working with my students to help them be successful – both in my class and in the other classes they take. We go over thinking skills and writing skills; I teach them how to… Continue Reading →

Why can’t we have it all?

I had the privilege of having two student teachers join me to observe my Humanities 8 class this morning. It reminded me of lo those many years ago (no, I’m not going to tell you how many; suffice it to… Continue Reading →

At what point does discretion become concealment?

Last week a student used the word “faggot” in my class. I felt like I’d been punched. Whereas it would still have bothered me several years ago, I wouldn’t have had quite as visceral a reaction as I had last… Continue Reading →

DENapalooza: Paying it Forward

In a workshop on Digital Citizenship at today’s DENapalooza, Dean Shareski, the Community Manager for Discovery Education Canada talked about the three things that make a digital citizen (and pointed out that they really aren’t that different from the aspects… Continue Reading →

I teach, therefore I am

Who I am in a large part determines how I teach. Not necessarily what I teach – a lot of that has to doing with the curriculum prescribed by the Ministry of Education and another significant part to doing with… Continue Reading →

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